Texas Assistive Devices
Manufacturers of Upper Extremity Components for Persons with Hand Dysfunction and Amputation.
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N-Abler B Version Five Function Wrist
The N-Abler (B) Version Body Powered 5 Function Wrist-Left has five functions including Flexion, Extension, Supination, Pronation, and Quick Disconnect (which is on the distal end for attachment of terminal devices). The flexion and rotation are both operated manually; however, the rotation can be operated by a bump switch.
Award winning design

Hands Free Tool Changing Station
The Hands Free Tool Changing Station is designed to assist bi-lateral users. Up to 3 of tools or implements with TAD's exclusive Hands Free Shanks can be staged on the posts of the Hands Free Tool Changing Station. The posts are activiated by the spring-powered mechanism that enables the bi-lateral end-user to either attach or disengage the tools to either the quick disconnect coupler on the distal end of the TD-0N2 or the W180WFU-0N2 wrist units without help from anyone. The Hands Free Tool Changing Station has non-slip feet. Also, it can be securely attached to a counter or table top to make it stable for the bi-lateral user.

The N-Abler (AB) Version Body Powered 5 Function Wrist
The N-Abler (AB) Version Body Powered 5 Function Wrist has five functions including Flexion, Extension, Supination, Pronation, and Quick Disconnect (which is on the distal end for attachment of terminal devices). The flexion is operated manually; however, the rotation is operated by a bump switch.